這位是我 Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute (SIYLI) 的老師,他教𢤦我什麼才是真正的老師。
回顧四年的培訓工作,十五年的工作生涯,很多時也要裝得強勢一點,在台上唔該Smart啲,有問唔該必答,仲要答得快而準..... 這樣才是世俗裡的專業。
其實,台下的觀眾,真的是要這些嗎?她們真的只想看著你一個人在台上表演嗎?除非你是劉華或者Lady Gaga,否則,應該唔會有人好想欣賞你的獨腳戲。
👱🏻♂: So what is your "perfect speaker" in your imagination?
👱🏻♀: Well, I would say being on stage with much confidence and perfect flow, posture and professionalism, in front of thousands of people.
👱🏻♂: But what if your audiences are not expecting those elements..? Perhaps they are coming to your practicum to seek for their own healing time. They are not necessarily need to tune into the "power speaker" who just runs through prompter with well-prepared manner and perfect powerpoint. They may be wanting much warmer, more flexible and agile, fun time. What we do here is to provide a practicing opportunity so participants can learn how to heal themselves.